Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 11: The stork is not my friend

So, at this point in P90X, I hate yoga. I didn't really mind it last week, but after doing all the workouts in this segment by now, it's definitely at the bottom of my favorites list. Maybe I just didn't concentrate like I should have... or maybe my muscles were more sore than they were last wek... I don't know, but I definitely didn't bring my A-game with me.

Here's an example: last week, I couldn't even get up off the ground for the stork pose. This week, I pushed myself a little harder, and I stayed up for like 1 second. Well, I overcorrected myself when I began to fall, and completely busted it. Luckilly, I didn't "fall on my face", but I'm really glad I moved my elbow quick enough to catch me!

It's been a long and busy day at work, so that probably drained some of my normal energy. Oh well - it happens.

Here's my HRM info for the workout today:

Total Time: 1.26.06
Calories Burned: 371.29
Fat: 60%
Maximum BPM: 240 (second day in a row it's malfunctioned... this thing is crazy)
Average BPM: 105

Not the total calories burned that I expected, but I guess that's better than nothing. I'll get focused more tomorrow and burn calories like no other.


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